Tuesday, February 20, 2007


This is the rough essay and the main idea for my take home test:
1. Intoductory paragraph
For this paper, I would like to write about cements....
2. Definition of cements
As all you now, cement is a material that very important to strengthen house, school, office, street construction, and other buildings.
3. The history of cements, who the inventor
The first cement has been found in Portland,....
4. Some kinds of cements: white cement, portland cement,...
5. The use of cement based on its purposes and the condition, example: for bulding near the sea, we must use speciall cement, named....
6. How to make each of the cement
7. Summary

Writer: Yenny Lopolusi

1 comment:

Ubaya Language Center said...

Yours is a very complete outline. I suggest that you drop the last point about how to make each type of cement coz that will probably be too long.
Your outline shows that you have fully grasped what were taught in our Paper Writing sessions. Good work, and I am looking forward to having the full essay.
