Friday, February 16, 2007

Model of Argumentative Essay on IELTS Writing Task 2

Recently, scientists worried about climate change have urged governments to introduce measures to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that are seen as its main cause. Simultaneously, politicians and environmentalists have urged individuals to make changes to their lifestyle. I shall argue that governments and individuals should take joint responsibility for this problem [core of the argument].

Firstly [signal for the first argumentative point], industry accounts for a large proportion of the greenhouse gas emissions, and this can only be controlled by government action. Measures could be taken to discourage pollution, such as limiting or taxing the use of fossil fuels. Alternatively, subsidies could be offered to industries to clean up their production processes. If these ideas were adopted, I believe that businesses would regard pollution as a financial issue.

Secondly [signal for the second argumentative point], only discussion between governments can ensure that solutions are successful. The Kyoto agreement, for example, tried to reach global agreement on how to address the problem. Without such co-operation, it seems to me that efforts to reduce fuel consumption are unlikely to be effective.

However, national and international policies will only succeed if individuals also [signal for the third argumentative point] change their lifestyles. For example [signal of examples], people could think more carefully about how they use energy in their homes. By using less electricity, installing energy-efficient light bulbs and electrical appliances, or investing in solar panels, individuals can make a real difference.

In addition, [signal for the next argumentative point] I think individual attitudes to transport need to change. Instead of making short trips by car, people could choose to walk, cycle, or take a bus. Since cars are a major source of the problem, changing our behavior in this area would have a major impact.

In conclusion [signal for concluding], I would maintain that only a combination of international agreements, national policies, and changes in individual behavior will succeed in preventing further damage to the environment.

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