Tuesday, February 20, 2007

How to handle difficult children

How to handle difficult children

Difficult children are children who have behavior problems like irritate, interrupt, argue, opposan, play to truant, lie, say vile words, have cruel attitude, and the other like
Generally, those children can't be accepted and adjusted in their environment. Moreover they can often get intimidation from parents, teacher, or other people.

1 comment:

Ubaya Language Center said...

Bu Nanik,

This is a good start. A sentence definition, then I'm sure you will start fleshing out your ideas.
I notice that you have a tendency to mention a long list of characteristics (see your first sentence); be careful with this since if it is too long, it may make it very tiring to follow.

Go on writing more ideas. Maintain your coherence. Write clearly, and take care of your grammar.

